I want a local dns cache for two reasons:
I found this nice article on pdnsd on debian: Speedup DNS requests with a local cache, the following is based on that and the pdnsd man-pages: pdnsd
and pdnsd.conf
apt-get install pdnsd
(I picked the manual setup)/etc/pdnsd.conf
:global { perm_cache = 1024; cache_dir = "/var/cache/pdnsd"; run_as = "pdnsd"; server_ip =; // Use eth0 here if you want to allow other // machines on your network to query pdnsd. status_ctl = on; paranoid = on; min_ttl = 60m; // Retain cached entries at least NN minutes. max_ttl = 1w; // One week. timeout = 10; // Global timeout option (10 seconds). } server { label = "resolvconf"; timeout = 5; // default is 120 seconds uptest = query; exclude = ".dbc.dk"; } server { label = "dbc"; include = ".dbc.dk"; timeout = 1; // default is 120 seconds ip=; ip=; ip=; } source { owner = localhost; file = "/etc/hosts"; } rr { name = localhost; reverse = on; a =; owner = localhost; soa = localhost,root.localhost,42,86400,900,86400,86400; } rr { name = kelut; cname = kelut.dbc.dk; } // ... lots of cnames here...