From linked from
bold at at start of file
bold, italics, __underline__, ^^superscript^^, __subscript__, and ##monospace## all work the same way.
italics at start of paragraph
a paragraph with
__ underline with no closing markup
here's a table | with italics in it |
second row ^^ squared ^^ | etcetera |
here's a [[link?| link //** with bold italics **// in it ]]. here's some __ bold inside italics and underlined __. here's what happens when you don't mix bold and italics properly. don't try it in __ inline nowiki __
, but feel free to put it
no point in trying to put ^^ superscript ^^ inside nowiki blocks either
; how 'bout __ Underlined bold __ in a definition list? : not to mention, the actual italicized definition
: should also be able to put bold ^^ and superscript ^^ in an indented paragraph