First test the one you got. How fast is it?
python -c 'import numpy; numpy.show_config()'
from numpy import * import time A = random.random((4000,4000)) B = random.random((4000,4000)) t = time.time(); dot(A,B); print time.time()-t
OpenBlas? can use multiple cores -- that's great (can lead to some problems with SciPy? though).
apt-get install libopenblas-base
Check it is used:
# check alternatives update-alternatives --list # set OpenBlas sudo update-alternatives --set /usr/lib/openblas-base/
If your application is already multi-threaded, it will conflict with OpenBLAS multi-threading. Thus, you must set OpenBLAS to use single thread as following. export OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS=1 in the environment variables.
# create and source environment virtualenv --system-site-packages MYENV source MYENV/bin/activate # rebuild numpy pip install --upgrade numpy
Download and unpack (also get lapack in a fitting version), then in ATLAS (with fitting values):
mkdir BUILDDIR cd BUILDDIR ../configure -b 64 -Fa alg -fPIC --prefix=/home/cbo/opt/atlas -D c -DPentiumCPS=3492 --with-netlib-lapack-tarfile=/home/cbo/scratch/lapack-3.4.1.tgz make build make check make ptcheck make time make install
Disabling cpu throttling is not easy on an Intel Core processor... I put the cpus in "performance", with something like:
echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
For all cpus [0123].
But to get Atlas to work, requires hacking ATLAS/CONFIG/src/config.c file, to make the "ProbeCPUThrottle?" function return 0. (