apt-get install encfs
Creating a new encrypted filesystem $ mkdir /tmp/crypt-raw $ mkdir /tmp/crypt $ encfs /tmp/crypt-raw /tmp/crypt Volume key not found, creating new encrypted volume. Password: [password entered here] Verify: [password entered here] Accessing the filesystem $ cd /tmp/crypt $ echo "hello foo" > foo $ echo "hello bar" > bar $ ln -s foo foo2 $ ls -l total 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 vgough users 10 2003-11-03 21:44 bar -rw-r--r-- 1 vgough users 6 2003-11-03 21:44 foo lrwxrwxrwx 1 vgough users 7 2003-11-03 21:44 foo2 -> foo $ cd /tmp/crypt-raw $ ls -l total 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 vgough users 6 2003-11-03 21:44 eEM4YfA -rw-r--r-- 1 vgough users 10 2003-11-03 21:44 gKP4xn8 lrwxrwxrwx 1 vgough users 7 2003-11-03 21:44 i7t9-m,I -> eEM4YfA $ fusermount -u /tmp/crypt
# add john to fuse group usermod -G fuse john #Create a directory where the crypted data will be stored and a temporal mount point for it. mkdir /home/john-crypt /home/john-mnt chown john:john /home/john-crypt /home/john-mnt # Login as user john. #Create a new crypted directory in /home/john-crypt and mount it to /home/john-mnt: encfs /home/john-crypt /home/john-mnt # cp johns content to /home/john-mnt with cp/rsync whatever #Append this line to the file /home/john-mnt/.bash_logout (create it if it does not exist). cd / && fusermount -u /home/john # Unmount the crypted directory. fusermount -u /home/john-mnt #Login as root. #Remove the temporal mount point. rmdir /home/john-mnt #Login as john. #Create/edit .bash_profile in /home/john encfs /home/john-crypt /home/john -- -o nonempty && cd /home/john [[ -f ~/.bashrc ]] && . ~/.bashrc # Done! When john now logs in, he gets an additional password prompt and his crypted home directory is mounted automatically. When he logs out, it will be unmounted.
From: http://www.gentoo-wiki.info/EncFS/Encrypt_Home_Directory
Show pids using filesystem:
As the user, kill all process accessing drive:
fuser -km MOUNTPOINT
Then unmount:
fusermount -u MOUNTPOINT
fuser -km /home/john fusermount -u /home/john